Burwell Notice Board

Leave an entry or see previous notices - 2007 and earlier

Date: 23/10/2021 21:22:21
Name: Burwell Museum and Windmill
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url:http://https://burwellmuseum.org.uk
Would you like to be a Burwell Museum and Windmill Trustee? We are recruiting.
Find out more and how to apply on our website https://burwellmuseum.org.uk/support/become-a-trustee/

Date: 28/11/2020 01:15:01
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url:http://https://burwellmuseum.org.uk/christmas-cards-2020/
Burwell Museum & Windmill Christmas cards now on sale. Designed for us by Burwell artist Hannah Hutchings and printed at Burwell Print Centre.
1 design, blank inside. 5 cards per pack with envelopes £7.50 Please see https://burwellmuseum.org.uk/christmas-cards-2020/ for ordering details.
#christmascards #buylocal #charity

Date: 22/08/2020 08:41:45
Name: Sue Liles
Email: sue AT liles.co.uk
Own Url:http://
Hi I have left a message on Guestbook but have had no reply. I am trying to contact my cousin Sue, last address known at 11 Priory Close Burwell. I have now sent a letter to this address but not had a reply if she still lives there.Please contact me.Her husband's name is Sam & 2 daughters Joanne & Rachel,

Date: 25/06/2020 06:55:00
Name: Burwell Web Site
Email: webmail AT burwell.co.uk
Own Url:http://www.burwell.co.uk
Correspondence recieved from somebody hoping to contact Robert Milward of Burwell. Please email for more information.

Date: 27/09/2019 12:51:21
Name: Burwell Print Centre Team
Email: info AT burwellprint.co.uk
Own Url:http://
Join us on the 07th December 2019 at our ever popular Annual
Christmas Fayre! Musical Entertainment, Father Christmas in the Grotto, Children's Christmas Craft Activities, Fabulous Food and Drink, 30+ Gift and Craft Stalls! All profits raised are used to support our local social Training Enterprise Burwell Print Centre.
Location: Mandeville Hall, Reach Road, Burwell, CB25 0AR
Time: 10.00 Hrs to 16.00 Hrs.
We hope to see you there! Burwell Print Centre Team

Date: 13/05/2019 14:55:00
Name: Kevin
Email: kegw67 AT hotmail.com
Own Url:http://
Hi, Looking for a dog sitter , I have a wee cockapoo and in need of day care. Thanks

Date: 07/01/2019 07:29:50
Name: Randall Burwell
Email: rburwell AT ci.montclair.ca.us
Own Url:http://
I will be visiting Burwell on Friday, March 15,2019, with my 3 children Ryan, Brandon, and Ciara Burwell. Would like to spend time with a resident or historian of Burwell. Plus rent bikes for the bike trail. Please email to arrange something. Thank you.

Date: 19/12/2018 08:10:15
Name: Burwell

Own Url:http://www.burwell.co.uk
Lost an iPhone on 14th December in Spring Close? See For Sale Board for details

Date: 12/11/2018 08:16:56
Name: Claudia Thompson
Email: cythompson AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url:http://

Local lady has Tuesday and Friday slots available.

Please call 07779 375880

Date: 03/04/2018 16:56:40
Name: Chris Chapman
Email: chris AT thehighfieldgroup.co.uk
Own Url:http://www.thehighfieldeventgroup.com
Summer work available building and dismantling marquees. Immediate start, full time work until October. Email me for further details.

Date: 06/03/2018 16:43:31
Name: Catherine Barnes
Email: jim.barnes AT ntlworld.com
Own Url:http://
I lost a small gold teardrop earring between mill close and Buntings path, on Saturday 24th January, a last hope that someone might have picked it up.

Date: 06/03/2018 08:44:58
Name: Carol Leonardi
Email: cjm AT camits.co.uk
Own Url:http://
Has anyone seen our family cat Benji who went missing He is half Bengal, with dark brown strips on a grey/brown fur. He has a white fur on his chin and emerald eyes. He is 21/2 years old. He has a microchip with my name and address. We love him very much and we would be grateful if anyone can give us any information.
Thank you in advance. Carol

Date: 03/03/2018 18:19:35
Name: Damian Mcgill
Email: damian.5 AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url:http://
Looking for some where local to keep a mini digger which is safe and secure preferably in a barn or undercover. Can you help?

Date: 05/12/2017 13:09:34
Name: George Turnbull
Email: ghturnbull AT fastmail.fm
Own Url:http://
Car key on ring lost in Parsonage Lane - identifiable by orange feather token.

Date: 23/10/2017 08:17:14
Name: Christopher Abrey
Email: jobs AT bedfordlodgehotel.co.uk
Own Url:http://bedfordlodgehotel.co.uk/careers/vacancies/
Bedford Lodge Hotel & Spa are looking to recruit a Driver:

£8 per Hour
10 hours per week

We are seeking a professional individual as a driver to support our ever growing corporate service. The role involves chauffeuring our corporate clients to and from our Hotel.
Collection times are 8am-9am and 5pm – 6pm, Monday to Friday as and when required. In the absence of collection requirements, you will be responsible for looking after the up-keep and appearance of our vehicle.
This position would suit a retired individual who is passionate about providing excellent guest experience.
Must have a full clean UK driving license

Date: 22/09/2017 15:53:15
Name: Caroline Arkless
Email: enquiries AT spa-ely.com
Own Url:http://https://spa-ely.co.uk/about-us/
Spa ely is looking to recruit qualified professional Holistic/ Massage Therapists to work part-time on Saturdays and evenings. If you are looking to be part of a friendly Team, working in a wonderful environment offering the highest levels of customer care and you have that “special something” we are keen to hear from you.
Send your CV and a photograph to enquiries@spa-ely.com.
We offer competitive rates.

Date: 04/09/2017 20:50:37
Name: Derek Wilcox
Email: derekjwilcox AT hotmail.com
Own Url:http://
Walking along Silver Street between Toyse Lane and North.Street just after 5.00 this evening I spotted a gold coloured chain next to the kerb. I searched online for 'Burwell lost property' and was led here.

If anyone is missing a chain that was last seen in Silver Street, please get in touch.

Best wishes,

Date: 01/09/2017 19:25:39
Name: John A Clarke
Email: johnagclarke AT gmail.com
Own Url:http://
There are planning applications to place 20 gas powered generators on Reach Road. Each generator has a huge 89 litre fossil fuelled engine. The plant has a total engine capacity equivalent to 1000 cars and generating enough power for 80,000 homes; this is no small backup power system for the village. These generators could power two city's the size of Cambridge and yet most villagers were not aware of this application to build this power station. This is set to add significant air and noise pollution to the village, and may damage local wildlife sites.

Noise is set to be reflected over the Swaffham side of the village and the nearby nature reserves. One aspect of particular concern is the effect it will have on the barn owls ability to hunt on the fields nearby to the site. Barn owls are sensitive to noise, they can’t hunt effectively with background noise as they must hear their prey. Noise is planned to be directed over their hunting grounds.

NOx air pollution emission from the plant which causes acid rain and heath problems, will be blown over the village by the dominant south westerly wind. For a village famous for its clunch stone, which is very sensitive to acid erosion this is not good news for our heritage. There is no need to locate the plant where they plan on the edge of the village. Burwell has the super grid connection capable of powering London, with one of the largest transformers in the UK located at the substation and yet they want us to believe we need to generate fossil fuel power within the village. If there are no restrictions put in place, this power station could be run 24 hours a day emitting higher levels of pollution.

The planning application is split into two applications East Cambs District Council 17/01071/FUL & 17/01072/FUL

Date: 15/05/2017 10:05:46
Name: Nick Martin
Email: nickwaiheke AT gmail.com
Own Url:http://
In memory of a son of Burwell, Arthur Martin professional soldier and countryman passed away Sunday 14th May in Auckland New Zealand aged 95. Proud veteran of the forgotten 14th and the Glider Pilot regiment. He travelled far and wide but kept Burwell close to his heart.

Date: 19/04/2017 17:20:38
Name: BUrwell

Own Url:http://
With the upcoming General Election and for anyone interested, the Voting Record of our constituency MP, Lucy Frazer, can be found Here

Date: 05/04/2017 18:51:03
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.let.uk
Own Url:http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Easter egg trail, crafts, games and refreshments for the whole family. Sunday 16th and Monday 17th 11am-5pm. Last entry 4pm.
Museum admission applies. Egg hunt £1. Chocolate prize for every egg hunter.

Date: 04/01/2017 12:52:19
Name: Richard Mansfield
Email: richard.mansfield321 AT gmail.com
Update: REUNITED - Bella found safe, well and now back home! Found by a neighbour a few houses away.
We wish to thank everyone for helping. R&J x

Date: 13/09/2016 21:15:07
Name: Tony Pringle
Email: tonypringle352 AT btinternet.com
Own Url:http://
Seeking help from any FULLER in Burwell. I have sorted most of the names on the war memorial but two are very confusing. A FULLER and W FULLER.

The A could be Alfred, but he is also recorded as William Alfred, in fact I do believe the W FULLER is in fact William Alfred. His headstone has him as A Fuller but he died and was buried as William Alfred Fuller

There was an Alex FULLER born in Burwell in 1881 but who moved from the village and was killed late in 1918.

I have Arthur James, Henry John and John William Fuller sorted, it is just the A and W that need clarifying, so PLEASE, can anyone help me?

What I have so far is on www.undyingmemory.net

Date: 11/09/2016 19:39:12
Name: Burwell
Email: webmail AT burwell.co.uk
Own Url:http://www.burwell.co.uk
Calling all Burwell cyclists...
The proposed Lode-Quy cycle path (running parallel to the B1102) is coming before the planners very shortly. It would enable you to cycle from Burwell to Cambridge purely on cycle paths without doing the Bottisham detour. It would be really helpful if as many of you as possible could email the council to demonstrate community support from further afield than our two villages. Write your email to:


It is important that it gets through the planning stage smoothly and quickly.
as it has to be built before the grant runs out in the spring.
(Please reply if you are emailing so we can get an idea of how much support
we have got.)
Many thanks indeed

Date: 02/07/2016 22:40:04
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url:http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
On Sunday 17th July, 11am - 5pm, Burwell Museum is holding a Summer Folk Fair.
Enjoy live folk music, beer and bread demonstrations, Dennis of Grunty Fen's junk musical instrument tent, traditional crafts, a tombola, exciting stalls and old-fashioned fair games. Why not make a day of it and bring a picnic or buy something from the barbecue or our tea room?!
Free admission!
See poster on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/burwellmuseum) and around the village for details.
Please park either at the Gardiner Memorial Hall (the usual museum car park) and walk via Mill Lane and Mill Close to the museum's main entrance or park at the Doctors Surgery in Newmarket Road and walk through the gate to the allotments on the opposite side of the road to the rear of the museum site.

Date: 02/07/2016 13:59:41
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.let.uk
Own Url:http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Join us at Burwell Museum on Sunday afternoon (3rd July), 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm, for Remembering the 'Cambridgeshire Pals'
An afternoon of readings, poems, soldiers'songs and dances performed by students from local primary schools in commemoration of the men from Burwell and surrounding villages who joined the 11th Suffolk's or 'Cambridgeshire Pals' battalion, and fought on the first Day of the Battle of the Somme. Museum admission applies except for school ticket holders.
Museum open all day as normal.

Date: 16/06/2016 15:04:37
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url:http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
FATHERS DAY at Burwell Museum.
Sunday 19th June 2016
Dads go free with one other paying adult and paying child today. Museum open as normal.
Treat your dad to a special day out while viewing a local part of history (and buy him a cuppa and a piece of cake in our tea room)

Date: 14/06/2016 11:03:23
Name: jade
Email: talkykid AT rocketmail.com
Own Url:http://
Any one or two bedroom houses/bungalows or flats to rent in burwell or within five miles £650 a month or under please

Date: 18/05/2016 06:49:26
Name: Susan
Email: s.taylor396 AT btinternet.com
Own Url:http://
Wallet lost near coop on North St last night (17th May).
Please email or phone 07925 893002

Thank you

Date: 02/05/2016 19:36:45
Name: Julia
Email: Larnty AT hotmail.com
Own Url:http://Larnty@hotmail.com
LOST! I have lost my chamilia silver charm bracelet whilst walking in Burwell. It was the first Christmas gift from my baby boy so very sentimental. It has about 8/9 charms on, including a heart, 'mum' & blue baby feet. If anyone has found it please contact me on 07852902006 or larnty@hotmail.com a reward will be given. Thank you

Date: 29/04/2016 16:59:55
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
FREE May Day Activities at Burwell Museum this Sunday (1st May.) - Traditional Workshops, Live Music and a Fun Family Talk.
Suitable for all age groups. No experience needed. The dancing displays and the workshop will be Mediaeval and Renaissance dancing by The Capriol Society for Early Dance www.capriolsociety.org There will also be a dance display by the Devil's Dyke Morris Men www.devilsdykemm.org.uk .
Plus a family-friendly talk on May Day and Spring customs.
The only cost is the standard admission charges for the museum. The dance displays and workshops are free-of-charge extras.
The dancing will take place inside or under cover if the weather is wet. The whole museum is open as normal and our tea room is the ideal place to refuel yourself after the dance workshop!

Date: 02/03/2016 18:07:34
Name: kathy bowles
Email: kathy.b AT care-network.org.uk
Own Url: http://
New Therapeutic Art Group
Starting 20th April 2016 - monthly
10 a.m. - 12 noon
Burwell Library
£3.00 per session including refreshments
Come along and explore your artistic talent inspired by a different theme each month. Everyone welcome.
Phone Kathy or Lesley 01353 659939 for more information

Date: 22/09/2015 07:26:20
Name: Gareth McGrath
Email: mcgrath7ju AT btinternet.com
Own Url: http://
Help please.

We have lost our elderly dog. She is predominantly black, but going grey, particularly round her muzzle, with a white star on her chest.

She has nor been very well recently and wandered off in the middle of the night after going out to the toilet.

We have searched the woods and Spring Close as we take her there for her walks.

She answers to Tilly and has a pink collar with her name and telephone number. She is very friendly.

Please call 07904954270 if you have any news.

Thank you for your help


Date: 23/08/2015 18:31:01
Name: Amanda
Email: amanda AT amandacox.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Courses for adults (Workers' Educational Association)

'Back in the USSR!'
Russians and the Russian Culture.
Tutor : Marina Burrell
Time : Tuesday Afternoons; 3.15 pm to 4.45 pm
Start Date : 22 September 2015 (for ten weeks with a break for half term)
Venue : Burwell Day Centre, Ash Grove, Burwell, Cambridge, CB25 0EN

Cost: £48

Free to all on qualifying means-tested benefits.

For Further information contact:

Amanda Cox: Telephone 01638 742784
Email: amanda@amandacox.co.uk

Date: 16/08/2015 15:27:35
Name: Cambridge Rangers
Email: cambridgerangers AT gmail.com
Own Url: http://www.cambridgerangers.com/
Cambridge Rangers Women's Football Club has been part of the Cambridgeshire football scene for more than 10 years. Rangers has helped develop many players since the club started and continue to welcome players from around the city and the world for that matter. Players and coaches share one philosophy, that football is for all and it is about enjoyment as much as it is about winning. We love to win, but what sets us apart from other clubs is that our players are smiling at the end of every game, no matter the result. We are looking for new players for this season that starts in September. So whether you've played before or been inspired by the Women's World Cup to give it a try, come and give it a go. We are an all inclusive club with players of all standards. We train every Tuesday evening at Girton Recreation Ground from 7pm, and play our matches in an FA Women's league on Sundays. Please email cambridgerangers@gmail.com for more information or just show up from Tuesday August 25th.

Date: 20/06/2015 11:23:17
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Dads go free at Burwell Museum this Father's Day!

One free adult entry for Dad or Grandad when visiting with one other paying adult and at least one child. Standard admission applies for additional visiting adults and children.
Admission £4 adults, £2 children. Under 3s and season ticket holders free.

Get ready for summer and sign up for a family season ticket (2 adults and up to 3 children) at the museum entrance. Your family can enjoy free entry until the end of October 2015, including all summer holiday activities.

Date: 05/04/2015 06:50:14
Name: Jennie Woolston
Email: Thewoolstons AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Sooty is a black and white semi feral cat who adopted us last year. He hadn't been neutered so after a year of suffering a rather stinky porch we had him done and microchipped. He wasn't best pleased as we had to keep him in for two days afterwards and as a result hasn't been seen since. We are heartbroken but still feel we did what is best for him. He is black and white with a blind eye, currently with shaved chest and paw. He is microchipped. Last seen in North Street, Granchester Rise and Lodeside. Any info would be great. Tel: 01638 741885 or email Thewoolstons@hotmail.co.uk

Date: 17/03/2015 16:14:58
Name: Frances Greening
Email: f.greening AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://https://www.justgiving.com/frances-greening/
Hello everyone,
I am a Burwell resident and I am raising money for Pancreatic Cancer UK. I am offering to make cakes for a charge and all proceeds will go to charity. Please contact me on 07920108776 if you are interested or if you would simply like to donate please go to my Just Giving page www.justgiving.com/frances-greening/
Thank you all very much.

Date: 16/11/2014 14:33:17
Name: Steve
Email: steve.clarke5 AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://
Silver Street

We have lost our cat Dexter, he went out as usual on Thursday 13th November at around 6:00pm from our house 71b
Silver Street and has not been seen since.

Would you please retrace your steps back to Thursday night and think if you went into an outhouse or shed, he may
have taken refuge there because of the weather.

Please select this link for pictures of him.

Please call 07920 712363

Date: 04/10/2014 15:51:22
Name: Karen Callaby
Email: kcallaby AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
Have lost a little black and white cat on 01/10/2014 she is chipped and is very friendly but likes to get into cars, vans, sheds etc please call 07930221545

Date: 14/09/2014 20:33:32
Name: Burwell MOPS
Email: beebun1 AT yahoo.com
Own Url: http://
Join us in celebrating:
Friday the 19th September at the Burwell Baptist church 7pm-9pm. Please bring some snacks to share. 

It would be great to see you if you've been to MOPS any time in the last 10 years!

After the party, Burwell Mops will be taking a break for a year. R.S.V.P Bee on beebun1@yahoo.com or 07963045001

Date: 12/07/2013 22:24:23
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum Fete - Sunday 14th July 2pm - at the museum.
Traditional games and stall, plus Molly Dancers and Children's Fancy Dress competition. Raffle.
Refreshments Kiosk selling tea, coffee, cold drinks, cakes etc.
Museum open as normal.FREE ADMISSION. A good, fun, family afternoon out.

Date: 15/06/2013 18:55:27
Name: Mark phelps
Email: Mark080881 AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
Hello all,

We moved from hawthorn way to pound close yesterday (14th June 2013) and our cat managed to escape and we cannot find her. She is 4 years old but quiet small, mainly black but with white patches and on her paw. Her name is sasha and we would love to get her back so please if anyone has seen her or if you could check your gardens and out buildings to see if she is hiding anywhere and if found please contact us ASAP on 01638 429142.

Many thanks.

Date: 11/06/2013 20:10:54
Name: Neil
Email: webmail AT burwell.co.uk
Own Url: http://burwell.co.uk
RSCPCA has this injured tortoise cat: Facebook Link Is it yours?

Date: 23/05/2013 15:07:15
Name: Lorraine
Email: info AT sdmovefit.co.uk
Own Url: http://sdmovefit.co.uk
NEW Morning Yoga Class Starting 6th June at Burwell Community Sports Centre

Thursday morning, 9:30am - 10:30am

A class that focuses on increasing flexibility, burning fat and toning up. All levels are welcome.

Limited spaces. Contact me to book a place.
Call 07513 342 282

Date: 07/05/2013 22:03:18
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Please come along to our monthly open meetings held on the second Wednesday of each month at the museum.
We aim to keep you updated about the project and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
NEXT MEETING: 8th May 6:45pm - 7:15pm
The Project Team welcomes your ideas and wants to share information with all local residents.
Do come along whenever you are able to do so.
Email: museum@burwellmuseum.org.uk
Telephone: 01638 605544

Date: 06/05/2013 22:11:26
Name: Susan Knight
Email: sue.knight25 AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://
There ia a wasp nest- just on the bank where you step down to the water under the big tree in Spring Close in the Castle field. Fairly grumpy so children and dogs beware!

Date: 01/05/2013 19:50:20
Email: sue.knight25 AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://
FOUND:Green Scarf with zebra design - Mill Lane (Isaacson
Road end)

CONTACT: 01638 741920 (correct number this time!)

Date: 18/02/2013 15:52:36
Name: jJudy Paxton
Email: judy AT iceni.idps.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Burwell History Society meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month 7.30pm at Burwell Village College
Wed 20 Feb 2013 Wise and Unwise Women talk by Polly Howat.

Wed 20 March Inns and Outs of Pub Names

Date: 12/02/2013 23:50:41
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The first major step in the restoration work on Stevens' Mill - the sails will be lifted off by crane to give the mill wright easier access to them. See the Burwell Windmill Project blog for details www.burwellwindmillproject.blogspot.co.uk

Date: 20/01/2013 06:14:55
Name: Paul Symonds
Email: pesymonds AT cox.net
Own Url: http://
I'm tracing my Symonds family history and found my great-great grandfather William (b.~1810) is from Burwell (as were his 7 kids). Any contact or source info would be appreciated.

Date: 11/01/2013 21:09:53
Name: Andy
Email: Ajc AT engineer.com
Own Url: http://
Does anyone know who owns the slipway onto the Lode? I was wondering if I could use it to launch and recover a small boat?

Date: 05/01/2013 02:06:30
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
If you know anyone aged between 18 - 24 and has been unemployed or out of full time education for at least 6 months please pass this on to them!

30 week paid work placement for a 18-24 year old commencing February 2013.

Burwell Museum Trust is offering a paid work placement, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, to someone between 18 and 24 years old who has been out of work or education for at least 6 months

This is an exciting chance to learn about the heritage sector, undertake a wide variety of tasks, work alongside an enthusiastic team of people and contribute to Burwell Museum’s future.

Plus work towards an EDI Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Cultural Venue Operations that will be welcomed by future employers.

Pay – minimum wage dependant on age.
Working four days a week for a total of 30 hours

For more information and to download an application pack please see the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Deadline for completed applications – Friday 18 January 2013.

Date: 02/01/2013 14:45:32
Name: Jenny Day
Email: jennifer_ day40 AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
Female jack russell found in Burwell xmas eve, is anyone missing her? please contact me on 07889029688

Date: 20/11/2012 14:15:45
Name: Sally Hulme
Email: sallyahulme AT btinternet.com
Own Url: http://
Legasee Educational Trust has recieved money from the Heritage Lottery Fund for The Berlin Airlift Project based in East Anglia. Legasee is looking to interview anybody who was involved in the Berlin Airlift itself or worked at the airfields in East Anglia at the time of the airlifts in 1948/9. If you have a story to tell please contact Sally Hulme on the above E.mail or 07523991306

Date: 01/11/2012 14:31:05
Name: Stuart
Email: info AT sdmovefit.co.uk
Own Url: http://sdmovefit.co.uk
KICKBOX FIT CLASSES Starting in Burwell

Mandeville Hall, Burwell
Thursday, 6:30 - 7:25pm (Taster 8th Nov 2012)

Limited places. Contact Stuart to book.
Call 07513 342 383 Email: info@sdmovefit.co.uk

More info & locations visit our website www.sdmovefit.co.uk

Date: 27/10/2012 23:36:57
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Children's Activity Days - Bonfire Night & Autumn Crafts
Thursday 1st November 2012, 2-5pm
Arts and crafts for the Half-Term holiday!
Make Autumn and Bonfire night themed crafts. You may take home whatever you make free of charge.
No need to book - just turn up!
Refreshments available.
Admission : All children - FREE. Adults - £4. Season Ticket Holders - FREE
(Donations very welcome)(Children must be accompanied by an adult)
This is also the final open day this year. The museum reopens on Easter Sunday 2013 at 2pm.

Date: 27/10/2012 15:26:10
Name: steves coal
Email: steve AT stevescoal.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.stevescoal.co.uk
hi if you are looking to buy house coal or smokeless fuels we can deliver to you, we deliver to Burwell every week, much cheaper then buying for shops and other outlets.
full range of smokeless fuels house coal logs & kindling
delivered to your door

Date: 08/10/2012 15:51:39
Name: Susan Taylor
Email: s.taylor396 AT btinternet.com
Own Url: http://
I am embarking on some travelling during the next few months and intend renting my house out as a holiday let. This will be available to relatives of family's who live locally and can provide references. I have a modern good sized house ...two double bedrooms (one with ensuite) a single bedroom and an additional sitting room/chill-out room upstairs.Garage and carport. Available from begining of December. Please email if you are interested.

Date: 08/10/2012 13:48:16
Name: Lorraine
Email: info AT sdmovefit.co.uk
Own Url: http://sdmovefit.co.uk
NEW Local Yoga Trim Classes in Burwell & Fordham

Mandeville Hall, Burwell
Every Thursday, 7:30 - 8:30pm (Taster 8th Nov 2012)

Fordham Victoria Hall
Every Monday, 8 - 9pm

Limited places. Contact Lorraine to book.
Call 07513 342 383 Email: info@sdmovefit.co.uk

For more info & locations visit www.sdmovefit.co.uk

Date: 08/10/2012 13:46:47
Name: Lorraine
Email: info AT sdmovefit.co.uk
Own Url: http://sdmovefit.co.uk
NEW Local Fitness Classes in Burwell

Mandeville Hall, Burwell
Thursday, 6:30 - 7:25pm (Taster 8th Nov 2012)

Forhdam Victoria Hall
Wednesday 4 - 5pm (Taster 7th Nov 2012)

Limited places. Contact Stuart to book.
Call 07513 342 383 Email: info@sdmovefit.co.uk

More info & locations visit www.sdmovefit.co.uk

Date: 27/09/2012 12:43:32
Name: Anna Pearson
Email: anna_lp_10 AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
My name is Anna and I am currently looking to do some babysitting in the evenings in Burwell.
Having graduated from University last year, I have spent the last year working at a school and am currently doing an internship with a charity in Cambridge.
I have previously au paired in Spain, had various babysitting responsibilities, some work experience in both primary and secondary schools, and a range of summer activity leader jobs. I am enthusiastic, responsible and outgoing, and would be extremely reliable when looking after your children. I love sport, cooking, music (playing the flute and piano, I could help to encourage music practice!), being creative and am willing to lend a hand with homework, or to just take care of the children until you return.
I completed a cooking course this summer, so there would no doubt be an endless supply of treats, and I would be more than happy to make some yummy dinners every so often!
If you would like to arrange to meet up and discuss any babysitting possibilities, then please give me a ring on 07730-588055.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,

Date: 11/09/2012 17:52:46
Name: webmaster
Email: webmaster AT burwell.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwell.co.uk
Charity Film at Night The Missing Sock: 27 September 2012. See the calendar entry for more information

Date: 06/08/2012 16:15:29
Name: Naomi French
Email: naomi.french AT rdftelevision.com
Own Url: http://
Does the sight of celery make you sick? Do baked beans make you barf?

Is there certain food you just can’t eat, touch or smell, or go anywhere near and it’s ruling your life? Or do you know someone with a strange food phobia who you think needs help? Then we want to hear from you!

RDF Television is looking for people with extreme food phobias to take part in a new TV pilot.

Our team of culinary experts and therapists will use a variety of techniques to help conquer food phobias.
If you’d like to be involved, call:

Naomi on 0117 9707644
or email: Naomi.french@rdftelevision.com

Date: 05/08/2012 11:02:37
Name: Jo Estall
Email: joanneestall AT yahoo.com
Own Url: http://www.jospets.vpweb.co.uk
FREE PET FOOD DELIVERY offered to homes located in the CB25 postcode.

New small bussiness selling pet food and bedding for a range of pets.
Many pets catered for including cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, poultry and horses. Also delivering a range of wild bird and pond fish food.
Please visit my website for a mini price list or give me a call to drop one off to you. (07881661753)
I can also order different products not on the list if your pet has other requirements.

Repeat ordering service available to take the hassle out of remebering to order.

Date: 29/07/2012 22:26:57
Name: Matt
Email: matt.marsh5 AT btinternet.com
Own Url: http://
16 year old boy looking for jobs around gardens ie lawn mowing or weeding, please contact me if you need anything like this, also i can get a friend to help for bigger jobs that may need more work

Date: 19/07/2012 23:39:42
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum and Windmill win Heritage Lottery Fund support.
Burwell Museum in East Cambridgeshire has been awarded £417,300 from the HeritageLottery Fund towards their exciting Fresh Wind in Our Sails project.The project aims to restore the Grade II* listed Stevens’ Windmill and integrate andimprove the displays across the mill and museum as a whole.Work will begin in the autumn and will be completed in 2015. Read the full story on our Windmill Project Blog or download as a Press Release (click links to the blog and the download on the News page of the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk )

Date: 01/07/2012 22:20:16
Name: Gemkleanz
Email: gemkleanz AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://
I am a new company offering cleans for domestic or commercial. I offer free quotes,no job to small. We also cut grass,walk dogs etc. Cib police checked,mod qualified full liability insurance, references available.
Please contact Annette on 01353968744/07824516540 phone lines available 24/7, if I am unavailable leave a message I will contact you soon as I can.

Date: 20/06/2012 11:37:10
Name: Cambridgeshire Mencap
Email: rachel AT cambridgeshiremencap.co
Own Url: http://www.cambridgeshiremencap.co.uk
Would you like to make a difference to the life of a child
or young person with learning disabilities in your area?

Cambridgeshire Mencap is looking for volunteers for its Family Support and Befriending Schemes in the Burwell area. Our schemes match volunteers with children and young people with learning disabilities, to enable them to socialise or just to give their families a break. It only takes a few hours of your time and it really does change lives.
We think our volunteers are exceptional and you could be too! We give training and support, but it’s the young people who make it all worthwhile. Rob said "I’m so glad I got in touch about volunteering. If you’re thinking about volunteering; just do it, you’ll never regret it.”
Like to know more?
Contact Pat Scott on 01223 883 140 or email pat@cambridgeshiremancap.co.uk

Date: 28/03/2012 17:13:54
Name: Kelly Reed-Banks
Email: kellyreedfitness AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.kellyreedfitness.com
Burwell Fitness Classes
Hi there
Just wanted to let you know about all the Fitness Classes I currently run in Burwell
I deliver fitness classes every day of the week except Sunday, right on your door step!
So if you are looking to get fit, lose weight, tone up or just get active, please see my class time table below

Monday 8pm Fitness Pilates Sports Centre
Tuesday 6.30pm Fitness Pilates Small Hall in School
Tuesday 7.30pm Zumba Small Hall in School
Wednesday 6pm Fitness Pilates Sports Centre
Wednesday 7.30pm Zumba Main school hall
Thursday 6.30pm Ladies Only Box Fit Main school hall
Thursday 8pm Fitness Pilates Sports Centre
Friday 11.15am Zumba Memorial Hall
Saturday 10.30am Total Body Workout Memorial Hall

All classes are £5 each or any 6x sessions for £25, 10x sessions for £40 or weekly pass for £20
For more info please visit my website - www.kellyreedfitness.com or email me for bookings - kellyreedfitness@hotmail.co.uk

Date: 23/02/2012 20:17:09
Name: ken pettit
Email: kennethpettit AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
i would love to hear from anybody who remembers me.i lived on
the causeway and my gang was harry carter, mick brian sangster
the olivers ginger and george earl etc. my mother was ivy palmby

Date: 20/02/2012 19:29:43
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum is now on Facebook. To go to our page, or just to "Like" us, go to our website (link above) and click in the "Find us on Facebook" box on the right hand side of the Home page.

Date: 15/02/2012 14:54:49
Name: victoria patterson
Email: victoriapatterson AT hotmail.co.u
Own Url: http://
LOST CAT - we've lost a black and white cat in the melford close/felsham chase area. He is a year old male cat with a black short haired coat, white neck and belly. Answers to the name Mowgli.

He's likely to have snuck in to someones warm house and curled up in a corner. Getting himself stuck.

Please email or call 07896752300. We miss him a lot x

Date: 07/02/2012 18:04:29
Name: tracy ison
Email: t_ison AT btinternet.com
Own Url: http://
friendly local mobile hairdresser with over 15 years experience contact me for information or to make an appointment

Date: 25/01/2012 08:43:03
Name: Linda Phillips
Email: dancequilter AT btinternet.com
Own Url: http://
Coming soon - patchwork and quilting classes and group sessions. If you are interested, please contact me. I am always happy to talk to you. My telephone number is 01638 745160

Date: 28/12/2011 22:43:08
Name: Stuart Hamilton
Email: stujuham AT aol.com
Own Url: http://
I'm trying to find out more about my wife's great Aunt, GRACE LYDIA BRUCE, widow of William Henry Bruce. She died in early 2010 at the age of 89 ather home in Burwell.

I remember visiting her and William Henry Bruce some years ago with my wife and other family members.

I was wondering if anyone knows where exactly she lived. I am trying to find her son, Bill Bruce, and her daughter Jean.

Is she buried in Burwell, perhaps with her husband William?

Perhaps someone in Burwell might have known her and William
and remember them.

I'd be really pleased to hear from anyone in Burwell, or any
information about Billy and Jean.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

yours sincerely. Stuart Hamilton, Bedford

Date: 15/12/2011 20:54:52
Name: April
Email: aprilgates AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Has anyone lost a kitten in Burwell? We've checked with all the neighbours but its none of theirs. Will call vets in the morning once it is open to register it as lost. Please contact me if it is yours describing the kitten preferably with a picture. aprilgates@hotmail.co.uk or 07788964746.

Date: 28/11/2011 22:03:27
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The Burwell Museum questionnaire in the centre of the current edition of Clunch can also be completed on the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk (go to our website and click on "Questionnaire/Survey").

Date: 21/11/2011 09:30:26
Name: Tracy
Email: tracy.doe AT sky.com
Own Url: http://
Please could someone let me know when the Burwell christmas fair is or whether I have missed it

Date: 08/11/2011 23:41:17
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/
If you would like to enter the Burwell Museum Questionnaire prize draw you have until 14th November to answer the questions and add your contact details.
Simply go to the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk and click on "Questionnaire/Survey".
You can still complete the questionnaire for a couple of months after the Prize Draw closing date (we're interested in as many people's opinions as possible) but you will not be entered in to the draw.
Further information and Terms & Conditions on the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 14/10/2011 00:23:45
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
You could win £50 by completing the new survey on the Burwell Museum website website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 03/10/2011 11:06:48
Own Url: http://
Personal message for Tracey Sturgess. Please Contact me for further info

Date: 22/09/2011 18:57:22
Name: Sophie Gray
Email: sophie.gray AT live.co.uk
Own Url: http://
I am about to move into the area and am looking for a house to rent in Burwell. Am ideally looking for a two bedroom house with a garden that will allow two well behaved dogs.
If you think you can help then please get in touch.

Date: 07/09/2011 23:55:42
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
If you have visited Burwell Museum please take a few minutes to fill in the "Burwell Museum - Future Plans" questionnaire/survey. Please go to our website (www.burwellmuseum.org.uk) and click on the Questionnaire/Survey button in the menu. Copies of the paper version are available at the museum (can also be downloaded and printed from our website)

Date: 02/09/2011 11:58:25
Name: Burwell Resident
Email: a AT b.com
Own Url: http://
A gentleman working for a company called New Look Property Maintenance just knocked on our door offering services for replacement PVCu facias, Guttering etc. After speaking with my wife he provided a price that seemed too good to be true so I made some enquiries. It seems that the Cambridge address they are using is not in anyway related to the company. I am not saying that they are a fraudulent company, nor making any speculation about the company's ability to provide a reliable and quality service - I simply would like to make people aware so they can be sure of who they are dealing with should they choose to become a customer.

Date: 02/08/2011 22:27:40
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/
Burwell Museum Children's Summer Activity Day - Life During World War II
Thursday 4th August 2011, 2-5pm

Come escape through the Prisoner of War Obstacle Course! Try your hand at building your own (model) aeroplane. See a real Anderson Shelter (air-raid shelter) and experience how cramped it is inside. Watch films about wartime life.
No need to book - just turn up!
Refreshments available.
Admission : All children - FREE. Adults - £3. Season Ticket Holders - FREE
(Donations very welcome)
(Children must be accompanied by an adult)
Next Thursday's Activity Day is Fenland

Date: 16/07/2011 21:51:07
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/
Burwell Museum will be open from 12 noon on Sunday 24th July as part of "Celebrate.... Burwell"
Also, at 2:45pm Rev Dr Eleanor Williams, Burwell's new vicar, will open the Museum's brand new Vintage Clothes exhibition.
Details on the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 22/06/2011 22:02:50
Name: Helen Robinson
Email: h.robinson4 AT herts.ac.uk
Own Url: http://intrusivememory.blogspot.com/
Do you currently experience Intrusive Memories?

I'm a local postgraduate student working on a study about intrusive memories for the University of Hertfordshire.**By taking part in the study you would automatically enter in a prize draw and have one in ten chance of winning a £25 voucher**~~

1. Are you aged between 18-50?

2. Do you currently experience a repetitive, unwanted, intrusive memory/ memories* of some event that happened in your life recently? (e.g. break up of a relationship, fall out with friends, personal failure, death, illness, traumatic labour etc.).

3. If so, does this memory or memories intrude on your consciousness and disrupt your to day-to-day activities?

If your answer to these three questions is yes, and you experience these intrusive memories at least once a day, would you be willing to keep a diary of these memories or other involuntary memories for one week and fill in some questionnaires?

The study is being conducted by two postgraduate psychology students and will consist of an initial one hour session where you can nominate up to three intrusive memories, complete a short series of questionnaires and receive instructions for the diary. You will then be asked to keep a diary for one week; filling in the diary will take no more than 5-10 minutes per day. A second session after the diary week will last approximately 30 minutes.

Keeping a diary of unwanted intrusive memories may cause some discomfort. Therefore, participation is entirely voluntary and you will be free to terminate your participation at any time.
* Please note that in this study the term ‘memory’ is referring to a memory that consists of a visual image of a specific scene that has actually taken place. General thoughts or worries are not included.

If you are interested in taking part in this study or have any further questions, please, email Helen Robinson on h.robinson4@herts.ac.uk. Alternatively, please get in touch with the supervisor of the project Prof. Lia Kvavilashvili at L.Kvavilashvili@herts.ac.uk 01707285121.

Date: 17/06/2011 06:49:09
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/
American Civil War Day at Burwell Museum.
Sunday 19th June 12noon-5pm (Please note the earlier opening time).
The Thirteenth Alabama Historical Society re-enact life in a field hospital during the American Civil War.
You will be free to walk through the Field Hospital camp and speak with re-enactors who will be in character.
The surgeon will perform demonstrations including amputation and tooth extraction using the techniques of the time - the demonstrations are quite realistic. You have been warned!
Also during the afternoon - Drills and marching demonstrations and, possibly, some live musket firing.
Listen to (and watch) an "Old Time Banjo" player.
For more information please see the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 26/05/2011 16:36:59
Name: Jamie
Email: burch_jamie AT btinternet.com
Own Url: http://
I have just started a new business which is very exciting and i am putting together a team to work with me to earn some money either part time or full time. No experience needed, full professional training provided. Please get in touch and i can show you more.

Date: 20/05/2011 15:58:02
Name: webmaster Burwell
Email: webmail AT burwell.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwell.co.uk
If there is any organisation in the village that would be interested in some free computers please send an email with details. (See the contact page). These would be Dell small form factor desktop PCs about (9cm x 26cm x 26cm) very suitable for most office/web browsing tasks. (No monitors would be included)

Date: 18/05/2011 18:06:34
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Spring Miscellany at Burwell Museum - Sunday 22nd May 2011 12 noon – 5pm
Featuring the ever popular Puffin Model Boat Club with their portable lake and fantastic range of radio controlled boats, including live steam models.
Our local scale modellers with a static display of some amazing creations
Historic vehicle display which will feature some surprises this year and promises to be the biggest yet at the museum. Winston Churchill will also be attending! Lots of other attractions at the museum and who knows what may turn up during the day?

Refreshments and Museum Shop
Sunday 22nd May 2011 12 noon – 5pm
Normal museum charges apply.

For more information please see the Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 26/04/2011 20:38:29
Name: gardenangel Gardening Services
Email: andrewwilden AT me.com
Own Url: http://www.gardenangelgardeningservices.co.uk
20% off first garden visit request a no-obligation free estimate TODAY.

I offer a friendly, polite and affordable professional local gardening service. I use all my own equipment, am fully insured and licensed to carry waste for all domestic and commercial garden work.

SAVE ££s when you re-book regular visits
Loyalty care plan – customers who re-book regular visits one month in advance can benefit from substantial savings through a loyalty care plan. There is no fixed term and savings apply after the first month and thereafter for every consecutive month.

Date: 05/04/2011 11:49:06
Name: R Slater
Email: info AT opengardens.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.opengardens.co.uk/
We are a couple of keen gardeners who have run Open Gardens in our village for a number of years and we are trying to develop a national Open Gardens website specifically aimed at town and village Open Gardens.

The website is in its infancy and we need organisers to add their Open Garden events. The site benefits event organisers and also those who attend Open Gardens weekends. For the humble town or village Open Gardens event, we think this is an exciting opportunity to get an event publicised for free.

If you are an Open Gardens organiser and feel this might be of interest, please get back to us or go ahead and add your forthcoming event - there is no charge.

Date: 12/02/2011 19:26:08
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The list of this year's Special Events at Burwell Museum has been published on this website.
Click on "Special Events" in the menu on the left hand side of the Burwell Museum website (www.burwellmuseum.org.uk) or click on "Burwell Museum" in the "Events" section on the left hand side of this website .

Date: 27/01/2011 12:45:15
Name: Richard Walsh
Email: meleenawalsh AT hotmail.co,uk
Own Url: http://
All your flooring needs, vinyl, carpet and more. Supply and fit or just fitting. Call Richard on 07974 850 492

Date: 25/01/2011 08:49:11
Name: Dave Hobbs
Email: dave.hobbs AT display-world.co.uk
Own Url: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/displayworld
Charity Race Night in aid of The MS Society and St Isobel Hospice.
To be held on Saturday 5th February 2011 at the Burwell Ex Servicemens Club. 7pm First Race at 7.15. All welcome, members and non members. For further inforamtion please contact Dave Hobbs 07989418088 or Sally Phillips 07805123043.

Date: 25/11/2010 17:20:43
Name: Mabel Wale
Email: maw75 AT cam.ac.uk
Own Url: http://www.friendsofwhitworthhouse.com
Charity Ceilidh!
When? Friday 21st January 2011, 7:30-11:30pm
Where? The Cambridge Guildhall, Market Square
How much? Tickets are £10, and under-16s are free with accompanying adult. Tickets include a light supper and many
hours of dancing - bargain!
How to get tickets: email Mabel Wale(maw75@cam.ac.uk) or phone 07929028533.

...THE event of the New Year is now open for booking! Get 2011 off to a
roaring start with a ceilidh in the Guildhall, one of the biggest and best
venues in town. The fabulous Cambridge University Ceilidh Band will be
providing the music (and calling the steps!); the lovely folk from the
Devonshire Arms are running the bar (featuring award-winning beer from
Cambridge's own Milton Brewery), and there's even a hot supper included in
the ticket price. All this, and you get to support a very worthwhile local
charity - what are you waiting for?! There are 250 tickets available, so
get your friends together and come in a crowd!

The ceilidh is in aid of the Friends of Whitworth House. Whitworth House is
a hostel in Cambridge which provides supported accommodation for young
women who have been homeless, helping them to rebuild their lives. In 2011
the Friends of Whitworth House are aiming to raise a massive £100,000 to
build an extension to the House, so more young women can find a safe haven

Date: 19/11/2010 12:55:37
Name: Liz Ince
Email: eince80 AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
House for rent - Fully furnished 2 bed terraced house for rent. £625 per month plus bills. House is fairly spacious for a 2 bed, and comes with a shed, and brick built out building, and nice sized garden. If interested please call Liz on 07980 981545.

Date: 27/07/2010 22:55:25
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/
Activity Days for Children at Burwell Museum. 2-5pm, Thursday 12th & 26th August.
Clay workshop (including brick making).
Mini assault course.
Bird-box making*.

Children MUST be accompied by an adult.

Admission Charges (for this event):
Children (up to 16 years) - Free,
Adults - £3
Season Ticket holders - Free
*(£6 charge for each bird box)
For further info about the Museum please see our website (link above)

Date: 13/07/2010 19:18:36
Name: danielle
Email: danielle_rich AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.daniellesbeauty.com
Mobile beauty therapist offering various treatments in the comfort of your own home. To book an appointment or see what offers we have, please visit our website or call on 07709292492

Date: 23/06/2010 17:08:34
Name: Ina Hayes
Email: ina.hayes AT btinternat.com
Own Url: http://
My name is Izzy and I am lost from Roman Close/Low Rd area. I am a long haired tabby with bits of sandy coloured fur, please help get me home Tel 612385

Date: 17/05/2010 13:57:38
Name: Beckie
Email: kingbex AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
Missing Cat- Black with white paws,bib and distinctive moustache. Missing from Myrtle Drive since mid April. Any news good or bad appreciated

Date: 24/04/2010 12:21:51
Name: Harry
Email: rodneytrotter87 AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
My name is Harry and I am a 16yr old 2010 school leaver trying to obtain a plumbing apprenticeship.If anyone khas any information that may help please let me know-I can send a full c.v. of my qualifications etc.

Date: 19/04/2010 22:18:44
Name: Joe McDonald
Email: archery AT robinsreach.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.robinsreach.co.uk

Come and have a go at the BURWELL CARNIVAL DAY Saturday 26th June

Why not have a go or just come along and simply watch all the other budding Robin Hoods and Maid Marions having a go to see if they can split the arrow.

Robins Reach Archery can cater for, to name but a few....

Corporate events; Social/club events; Schools after school activities; Fetes; Fayres; Charity/Fund raising events (donation made); Country Shows; Have-a-go;Parties for kids (and big kids)....

Date: 13/04/2010 21:56:48
Name: Eric Bresler
Email: eric_bresler AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://www.action.org.uk/sponsor/ericshowold
My dear brothers kindly entered me into the gruelling 80km Three Peaks Bike & Hike Challenge for Action Medical Research, a charity dedicated to improving the health of babies and children in the UK.

The team's called “Eric’s How Old?” as they volunteered me for this without my knowledge to help celebrate my 40th birthday. They thought it an opportunity to get the 'old git' in shape before it’s too late. We've all been training hard and to match this dedication we'd appreciate it if you could spare a few quid to help us reach our joint goal of £1600.

A bit more information on the challenge and way to sponsor us can be found at our The Three Peaks Bike & Hike Challenge - www.action.org.uk/sponsor/ericshowold

Thanks, Eric, Andrew, Rob, Steve

Date: 31/03/2010 10:40:46
Name: The Way to France
Email: info AT thewaytofrance.com
Own Url: http://www.thewaytofrance.com
Learn the French language while preparing French regional dishes. Our workshops take place in a spacious, fully equipped Lacanche kitchen's at Cook's Barn, Bottisham. Discover traditional French recipes and master the art of making a baguette. Daytime and evening workshops are available on a regular basis.
Next workshop on the theme of Provence: 'The Way to Provence' on Thursday 22 April, 10am-2pm or 6-9pm.
To find out more email info@thewaytofrance.com, call 01223 461 445 or visit our website: www.thewaytofrance.com

Date: 14/02/2010 00:20:30
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
If you would like to receive the latest news from Burwell Museum and reminders of forthcoming Museum Special Events then go to the Museum website and click on "Follow Us On Twitter" on the Contacts page to sign up. It's completely free! Once we get a few "Followers" then we will start sending out some "Tweets" (messages).

Date: 03/02/2010 18:59:00
Name: Joe
Email: archery AT robinsreach.co.uk
Own Url: http://http:www.robinsreach.co.uk

Robins Reach Archery can cater for, to name but a few....

Corporate events; Social/club events; Schools after school activities; Fetes; Fayres; Charity/Fund raising events (donation made); Country Shows; Have-a-go;Parties for kids (and big kids)....

Date: 15/01/2010 11:14:19
Name: sara lawrence
Email: sexysars AT hotmail.co.uk
Own Url: http://
Hi I am looking to rent a property for me and my two children, I am currently living in southwales and am looking to move asap.

Date: 02/01/2010 19:52:54
Name: Tamsin
Email: tamsin.gray AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://
Does anyone have any land in Burwell that they would be willing to rent to us for the evening to hold a wedding reception/birthday party? We would want to put a marquee on the land and also let our guests camp there for the night. Thanks, Tamsin

Date: 29/11/2009 19:37:28
Name: Helen Milne
Email: helen AT uk123.com
Own Url: http://
We are hoping to buy a house in Burwell, moving from Oxford. We have 2 girls aged 10 and 12, and we need to move their 2 ponies as they are part of our family/lives. Are there any yards in Burwell where there are other children? We need to keep them somewhere where there is mutual help and fun!


Date: 17/11/2009 22:17:11
Name: Friends of Buwell Museum
Email: friends AT buwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Christmas Fair - Saturday 21st November 2009, 10am-1pm (Please note new time)
Burwell Ex-Service & Social Club, The Causeway, Burwell.
Lots of stuff to buy, plus a tombola and a prize draw. Refreshments available.
Admission 20p each.
Organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.

Date: 10/11/2009 23:19:44
Name: Peter Lancaster
Email: pete_lancaster AT onetel.com
Own Url: http://www.burwell-carnival.info
Burwell Carnival Comedy Night
Saturday 21st November, Doors open - 7.30pm
Gardiner Memorial Hall, High St, Burwell CB25 0HD

Tickets: £8 in advance / £10 on door
Licensed Bar - over 18s only

To book, phone or email Laura:
01638 743515 / parade@burwell-carnival.info

*Reserve a table for your party for an extra £12.

Our line-up of comedians are:

Compere: Jay Sodagar
Opening Act: John Newton
Middle Act: Ben Harrington
Closing Act: Anthony King

“Don’t miss out - London comedy circuit without the taxi fares!”

(*Please note that each table seats 8 people. If you reserve a table and your party is less than 8, Carnival reserve the right to fill the table with other ticketholders.)

Supporting Carnival…
…helps to support our village groups & activities

Date: 30/10/2009 21:15:46
Name: Nicola Yorke
Email: nickerrz AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
Burwell Baby & Toddler Nearly New Sale - Sunday 15th November 2009 @ The Gardiner Memorial Hall, High Street, Burwell. 1pm - 3pm. Selling baby & toddler toys, Clothes aged 0-5, equipment, buggys, prams, cots, Maternity wear, Books & More. Contact Nicola Yorke for further information.

Date: 22/10/2009 01:34:34
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Autumn Miscellany
12 noon - 5pm.
Fenland Bygones and items of interest not normally seen at the Museum - including the radio controlled steam powered model boats which were so popular at last year's Miscellany and Peter Carter, the last Fenland Eel Catcher, with his eel traps and punt gun. Plus vintage/classic cars. Refreshments Kiosk open selling hot & cold drinks, snacks & cakes.
Please note the extended opening hours for this event- 12noon to 5pm
Further information available on the Burwell Museum website - click link above or type in www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 14/10/2009 22:33:52
Name: Friends of Burwell Museum
Email: friends AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The final Yard Sale of the year is this Saturday 17th October at the top of Buntings Path 10am-3pm. Lots of bargains!

The coach trip to Lakeside Shopping Centre due to take place on 21st October has had to be cancelled. Money will be returned to you very soon if it hasn't already.

Further information about the Friends of Burwell Museum can be found on the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 10/10/2009 09:13:02
Name: Richard Peachey
Email: richardjpeachey AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
Ernie Peachey of North Street Burwell Died peacefully in his sleep at home on the 6th of October 2009. He was a much loved resident of the village, selling his fruit and veg, doing charity work and being a great 'dad' to may.

His funeral is arranged for friday the 16th of October at Bury St Edmunds Crematorium, with the wake to be held at his home of 121a North St.

No flowers please and donations to RNIB and BHF Co Southgates of Newmarket.

Date: 07/09/2009 16:08:37
Name: helen gilbey
Email: he11en.gi1bey AT gmail.com
Own Url: http://
One bedroom house in Burwell..Available to rent after 26th/27th Sept:£550 mnth.£550 deposit.Unfurnished.Living room.kitchen with cooker,fridge freezer&washing machine.
Upstair-bathroom&bedroom with overbed fittment.South facing back garden.Two parking spaces with property.In quiet cul-de-sac.Feel free to e-mail for more info&photos or arrange a viewing.

Date: 27/08/2009 10:33:18
Name: victoria patterson
Email: lippie77 AT hotmail.com
Own Url: http://
Black short haired kitten was hit by a car on 26/08/09 late evening. I have put him up at mine on toyse lane (near where he was hit). He has a broken back right foot, is in shock and scared, needs to get back home. i presume he lives on or near toyse lane. If you are missing a little black kitten then please contact 07805488754. Thankyou x

Date: 21/08/2009 18:53:06
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum, Sunday 23rd August 2009, 12 - 5pm.
A Journey through the Middle Ages by "Black Knight Historical".
A costumed interpretation of the period.

Date: 09/08/2009 00:32:03
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The Trustees of Burwell Museum are pleased to announce that children will have FREE admission to the Museum on the two Children's Activity Days in August (13th & 20th).
The posters advertising these days states that "Normal Museum admission charges apply on each day". This now only means adults.
Children MUST be accompanied by an adult.

Date: 07/08/2009 17:17:45
Name: BBS Locality Team
Email: nicola.king AT cambridgeshire.gov
Own Url: http://
BMX/skatejam for young people aged 9-19 years old at the skatepark in Burwell on Monday 10 August from 12noon - 5pm. Featuring King Ramps with competitions, music and refreshments . Register for the competition from 12noon on the day. Under 16's will need parental consent. Helmets and pads must be worn.

Date: 06/07/2009 11:48:12
Name: Cambridge PC Support
Email: info AT cam-pc.co.uk
Own Url: http://www.cam-pc.co.uk
Based in Bottisham, and established for 6 years. Specialist computer, laptop and network support services for home and business in Cambridge and Newmarket. Please feel free to contact 01223 813344 for more info.

Date: 28/06/2009 01:04:25
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/
Burwell Museum has NOT been affected by Swine Flu and is open as normal. None of the Trustees, Friends or Helpers have it or have been in contact with anyone who does have it.
The Museum is open as normal. We are still taking bookings for Group Visits and any group already booked should turn up on their specified date and time.

Please see the News page of the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk (news item dated June 28 2009)

Date: 28/05/2009 23:02:04
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 31st May 2009.
Cambridge & District Classic Car Club will terminate a 'Treasure Hunt' at Burwell Museum.
Around 12 classic cars will arrive and be on display during the afternoon.
The exact time of arrival of the cars can not be predicted but they will get to the Museum as soon after 2:00pm as possible (probably around 3:00pm).
Museum open 2-5pm. Normal admission charges.

Date: 22/05/2009 19:16:51
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The Grunty Fen Rhubarb Festival, probably one of the oddest and most entertaining events in the area, returns to Burwell Museum for the 3rd year in a row on Monday 25th May (Bank Holiday Monday)from 2pm.
The Rhubarb Festival will be opened and hosted by Christopher South of BBC Radio Cambridgeshire + guests.
Demonstrations of rhubarb semaphore and rhubarb lacemaking!
Bring your own rhubarb to be judged. Prizes for the biggest, smallest, redest, longest, prettiest, ugliest, limpest and stiffest rhubarb,(or whatever else we decide on the day) plus a special award for conversational rhubarb.
Write a poem ´Ode to Rhubarb´.
Bake a Rhubarb Cake for judging (Mr South likes cakes!)
Children are invited to enter artwork illustrating the ancient rhubarb forest of the fens where dinosaurs roamed!
Please your bring poems, artwork, cakes and rhubarb on the day.
Refreshments Stall with hot & cold drinks and home-made cakes plus hot rhubarb and custard !
See the Burwell Museum website (www.burwellmuseum.org.uk) for more information plus photos and videos of previous Rhubarb Festivals.

Date: 18/05/2009 11:43:43
Name: Mr Baker
Email: nathan.baker AT bitc.org.uk
Own Url: http://
By Jove! Burwell's Got It!

Burwell's first & only Britsh tearoom is now open. By Jove! warmly invites you to experience the relaxed ambiance, wide variety of loose teas and freshly ground coffees, and a generous slice of homemade cake! Breakfast, Lunch & Three Tier Afternoon Teas Served Daily.

Open Thursday - Monday.

The Old School, 30a, High Street, Burwell Cambridge CB25 0HD

Tel: 01638 602086

Date: 02/05/2009 22:42:52
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Burwell Museum will be open 2-5pm Bank Holiday Monday 4th May (as well as Sunday 3rd May). A more peaceful alternative to Reach Fair or somewhere to wind down after spending a couple of hours at Reach.
Please visit our website for more information about the Museum.

Date: 15/04/2009 20:51:26
Name: Friends of Burwell Museum
Email: friends AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Yard Sale - Saturday 18th April 2009, 10am-3pm
Lots of books, bric-a-brac and other "nearly new" items.
Buntings Path (Ness Road end), Burwell.
(If weather is too "unpleasant" the Yard Sale will become a Garage Sale. It will go ahead whatever the weather - the Friends don't give up that easily!)
Organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.

Date: 10/04/2009 17:05:47
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/
Burwell Museum re-opens at 2pm on Easter Sunday.
Easter Egg Hunt for children. Tombola. Face painting.
The Museum will also be open on Easter Monday, again with an Easter Egg Hunt, etc.
Further information can be found on the Burwell Museum Website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 23/03/2009 23:31:30
Name: Peter Lancaster
Email: info AT burwell-carnival.info
Own Url: http://www.burwell-carnival.info
Another Carnival Comedy night is on it's way:

Saturday April 25th @ 7.30pm, Gardiner Memorial Hall

Tickets £8 in advance, £10 on the door, licensed bar, over 18’s only.
*Reserve a table for your party for an extra £10.
Phone Julia on 741815 to book.

Hurry - tickets are going fast!

Our Comedy Club has rapidly established itself as a highlight in the village community calendar.

With three professional acts plus compere the night offers good value:

Opening act MERYL O'ROURKE

A Waitress service and licensed bar help complete the club atmosphere. Don’t miss out - London Comedy circuit without the taxi fares!

*Please note that each table seats 8 people. If you reserve a table and your party is less than 8 we will fill the table with other ticketholders.

Date: 25/02/2009 20:04:06
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/
Dates and info for Burwell Museum Special Events in 2009 are now on the Museum's website - go to www.burwellmuseum.org.uk and click on the Special Events button. New events and extra info about events added to the website throughout the year. If you can help in any way with a Special Event (such as donating a raffle prize for the Fete or being a volunteer Steward) then please do contact us. Full contact details on the website.

Date: 10/01/2009 22:56:25
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: friends AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Salvation Army Band Concert at St Mary's Church, Burwell.
Saturday 24th Jan 2009 7:30pm.
Organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.
Tickets £7.
Tickets on sale from : Tina's in North Street, Burwell (next to the Co-op) or Burwell Post Office.
Further information: Please phone 01638 741705 or 741581.

Date: 24/11/2008 17:11:51
Name: Colette Tracy Fenn
Email: col_fenn AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://FOUND CAT
i have found a 6 month to a year old cat in the avenue. I'm currently looking after it, dispite my own cat not getting on with it. If you have lost this loving cat please contact me on tel 601625

Date: 11/11/2008 21:31:31
Name: Peter Lancaster
Email: info AT burwell-carnival.info
Own Url: http://www.burwell-carnival.info
Another Carnival Comedy night is on it's way:

Saturday November 29th @ 7.30pm, Gardiner Memorial Hall

Tickets £8 in advance, £10 on the door, licensed bar, over 18’s only.
*Reserve a table for your party for an extra £10.
Phone Julia on 741815 to book.

Our Comedy Club has rapidly established itself as a highlight in the village community calendar.

With three professional acts plus compere the night offers good value, and last years event also presented an opportunity to showcase young local talent.

A Waitress service and licensed bar help complete the club atmosphere. Don’t miss out - London Comedy circuit without the taxi fares!

*Please note that each table seats 8 people. If you reserve a table and your party is less than 8 we will fill the table with other ticketholders.

Date: 22/10/2008 23:22:07
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
The Museum is open for the last time this year on Sunday 26th October, 2-5pm. This will be your final chance to visit before we close for the winter.
Fundraising events organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum continue during the closed period - see the Special Events page of our website and look out for posters around the village for details.
The Museum will re-open at 2pm on Easter Sunday 2009.

Date: 13/10/2008 21:36:33
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk/
Autumn Miscellany - Sunday 19th October 2008 - Burwell Museum

Fenland Bygones and items of interest not normally seen at the Museum -

"Model Boats Spectacular" - model steam powered ships, cruisers & sailing boats working on a huge pond! Radio controlled model boats for children to use (with parents consent).

Also -

A Century of Cycling - Display of vintage bicycles - some of them will be ridden around the village by their owners.

Vintage Vehicles.

Dancing Jig Dolls with live music.

One of the last Fenland eel catchers will be around to chat about his work and will be demonstrating his punt gun. (He is licensed to have the gun and will only fire blanks when demonstrating).

Plus lots more!! (additional displays could be added any time, including during the day of the event)

Date: 12/09/2008 20:31:52
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Crafts & Hobbies Demonstration Day at Burwell Museum.
Sunday 14th September, 2-5pm.
Demonstrations and displays of traditional crafts such as: Lacemaking, embroidery, brick & tile making, basketry, hand built clocks, hand built steam machines and more...
The Blacksmith will be working in the Forge.

Date: 20/08/2008 16:14:45
Name: Sarah
Email: sarah.reid73 AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://
2 Double Bedroom available from 23 August 2008, lovely end of terrace Victorian house to Let. Gas Central Heating (Combination Boiler). Water meter fitted. Band B Council Tax. Modern Kitchen with range style gas cooker. Separate Dining Room. Open Fire. Substantial off road parking for up to six cars. Cottage garden (with vegetable patch) that does require maintaining but gardener can be provided for an additional cost. £650 pcm (£750 Deposit) Non-smokers preferred, Pets considered and References will be required 07934 807481

Date: 13/08/2008 15:06:44
Name: Laura
Email: momjake2 AT yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://
We have found a tortoiseshell cat on Mill Lane. It has been coming around for food for several weeks(we thought it was the neighbours) & now it has moved in. If anyone has lost their tortoiseshell cat or knows of anyone who has please get in contact with me.

Date: 29/07/2008 15:29:15
Name: Sarah Papworth
Email: sarah_468 AT yahoo.com
Own Url: http://
CAMBRIDGE HOME PHYSIO provides a friendly & dedicated physiotherapy service to clients in the comfort & convenience of their own homes.
Our objective is to develop a goal-orientated rehabilitation programme to help our clients improve their mobility, movement, strength, balance, confidence & stamina.
We aim to help maximise the independence of people who have:
• Fallen / anxieties about falling
• Undergone surgery inc. joint surgery
• Had a fracture
• Joint pain/stiffness
• Had a stroke
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Osteoporosis
• Recently been ill or in hospital
• Mobility or balance problems

Eve & weekend appointments available.

SARAH PAPWORTH - 07531284081 or 01223 813238
Registered with the Health Professions Council Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Member of AGILE (Chartered Physiotherapists working with Older People)

Date: 23/07/2008 21:58:29
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Sunday 27th July 2008
Museum Fête
The annual summer fête at the Museum, organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.
Stalls and games. Fun for all the family.
Prize draw with BIG prizes.

Date: 15/07/2008 15:15:12
Name: Howard Cooper
Email: howard.cooper AT nationaltrust.or
Own Url: http://www.wicken.org.uk
Working Fen Weekend
Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve
Sat/ Sun 19 - 20 July 10am -5pm.
Traditional sedge harvesting, eel catching, boat trips, wildlife discovery tours - fun for all the family

Admission Adult £5.25, Child £2.65 Family £13.15

Date: 10/07/2008 23:17:55
Name: BBC3
Email: freaky.eaters AT betty.co.uk
Own Url: http://
BBC 3’s ‘Freaky Eaters’ are looking for people to take part in a new series of programmes

Do you have an unusual eating problem which controls your life?
Do you find many foods difficult to eat?
Do your friends and family think your eating habits are weird?
Are you at the end of your tether and desperate to sort out your diet?
Freaky Eaters is a series about people who live with unusual eating habits. Each week our resident nutritionist and psychologist offer advice and support to help individuals tackle their eating problems.

If you or someone you know would like to take part, please call: 020 7907 0899 or
email:freaky.eaters 'AT' betty.co.uk

Date: 27/06/2008 00:42:15
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Josh Miller returns to the Museum to perform another magic show.
The show will start at 3:00pm and finish about 4:30pm. Admission by ticket only.
Tickets cost £3 each (same price for adults and children) and will be on sale only at the Museum from 2:00pm on the day.
Further details on the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 20/06/2008 21:19:27
Name: Phillip Goldsmith
Email: phillip_goldsmith AT yahoo.com
Own Url: http://
Newmarket - 1 bedroom house to let - £525pcm
One bedroom mews type home situated on a popular development available to let now.
Very close to the town centre, railway station and the A14.
Easy access to Cambridge city centre - 2 stops on train.
Property comprises of bathroom, lounge, kitchen, bedroom and 2 allocated parking spaces.
Has recently been decorated and in very good condition.
Would suit professional person/couple.
Band A Council Tax (lowest band).
Reference check required.

Available immediately £525 pcm (does not include bills)

Contact: Phill Goldsmith 07500 148435

Date: 13/06/2008 09:25:18
Name: Grace
Email: grace.mumford AT gmail.com
Own Url: http://
I have recently moved to Burwell and I am looking for somewhere to keep my pony in the village or nearby. If anyone has a field with access to water where I might be able to keep her please drop me an email. Company would be preferable but not necessary.

Date: 10/06/2008 18:29:38
Name: Adrian Turner
Email: ady2009uk AT aol.com
Own Url: http://
ROOM TO LET - I have a double room to rent in a 3 bedroom house in Burwell (North Street) non smoker professional person prefered use of all utilitys. £400 pcm
Please contact me at ady2009uk@aol.com

Date: 05/06/2008 09:38:15
Name: Howard Cooper
Email: howard.cooper AT nationaltrust.or
Own Url: http://www.wicken.org.uk
Big Green Poster Competition

The National Trust are holding a Big Green Poster Competition as part of its Big Green Green Day Out being held at Wicken Fen on Sunday 22 June 2008.

The competition for children aged 12 and under is to design a poster to inspire people to be a bit greener at home or at school. Themes for the poster could include recycling, energy saving, composting or travel to school, for example.

There are two age categories, 7& under, and 8 -12, with fabulous green prizes for the winners. All the posters will be displayed at the Big Green Day Out .The winning posters will be displayed on the Wicken Fen website www.wicken.org.uk

Entries no larger than A4, which should include the child’s name, age and telephone number on the back should be sent to, Isabel Sedgwick, Wicken Fen, Lode Lane, Wicken, CB7 5XP or e-mailed to wickenfen@nationaltrust.org.uk to arrive by Thursday 19 June.

The Big Green Day out promises to be a fabulous fun packed day for all the family whilst learning how we can all make our homes and gardens greener places. Exciting activities on the day include:-
• Composting and worms
• Recycling
• Renewable energy – old style and new
• Fun games for all the family
- Energy Busters Bingo
- Food Miles Game
- Snakes and Ladders
• Have a go on the Energy Bike
• Make junk model insects and real insect homes
• Cycling and cycle routes in the area
• Reduce, re-use recycle books and gadgets for sale
• Rag rug making – traditional recycling
• Local organic food and local meat BBQ

The National Trust will be giving free admission to people arriving on bicycle to the Big Green Day Out.

Information and tips on green living are available on the National Trust website www.nationaltrust.org.uk/greenliving

Date: 23/05/2008 18:08:03
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: museum AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Monday 26th May (Bank Holiday Monday)
Official Opening of the Vintage Vehicles Display featuring the last Burwell & District Bus and a selection of other old vehicles from Burwell and the surrounding area.
(Museum open at 2pm. Opening ceremony at 3pm)
Normal admission prices will be charged.
Invited guests will be admitted free (please bring your invitation with you).
Further information on the Burwell Museum website www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Date: 12/03/2008 09:28:56
Name: National Trust Wicken Fen
Email: howard.cooper AT nationaltrust.or
Own Url: http://www.wicken.org.uk
Wicken Fen Vision

The Wicken Fen Vision is an exciting plan to create a huge new nature reserve stretching from the existing Wicken Fen all the way into Cambridge with a mosaic of new wildlife habitats and space for people to explore on foot, bike, horse and boat.

Everyone is invited to attend a public meeting on Tuesday 18 March at the Gardiner Memorial Hall, Burwell, commencing at 1945

Date: 22/02/2008 22:22:56
Name: Burwell Museum
Email: friends AT burwellmuseum.org.uk
Own Url: http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk
Quiz Night organised by the Friends of Burwell Museum.
Teams of 6 required.
Friday 29th February 7:30pm at the Trinity Church, High Street, Burwell.
£6 per person.
The Museum Friends and Trustees will have teams so see if you can beat us! The quizmaster (John King) is unconnected with the Friends or Trustees and has hosted many quizzes before.
A "Ploughman's Supper" (with ice-cream for dessert!) will be included in the price. Please bring your own drinks (soft or alcoholic). Further details from the Friends. Phone Margaret on 01638 741705 or Barbara on 01638 741581

Date: 28/01/2008 17:07:55
Name: John Justo
Email: john.justo AT ntlworld.com
Own Url: http://

Date: 23/01/2008 11:14:52
Name: Burwell ACF
Email: daniel.clark AT invopt.mod.uk
Own Url: http://
Burwell Detachment Army Cadet Force.
Re-opens Tuesday 29th Jan.
If your 12 - 16 then Come along and join in.

Date: 10/01/2008 16:15:41
Name: Maria Macintosh
Email: maria320 AT btinternet.com
Own Url: http://
Baby Signing Classes for 0 to 2 years. Singing and Fun plus chats and refreshments for guardians.
Trinity Church Weds 10 till 11am
Burwell Early Learners Weds 12 till 1pm
Booking is Essential Ring Maria on 01638 741855

Date: 07/01/2008 17:10:37
Name: Laura
Email: laurabell11 AT yahoo.co.uk
Own Url: http://
We are interested in renting a 3-4 bedroom house with back garden in Burwell beginning 1 March. Please email if you are considering letting you house.

Médecins Sans Frontières
MSF Web Site
Ukraine Crisis Appeal
Disasters Emergency Committee Logo
Red Cross Appeal
Area Photos
Burwell Lode Bridge
Burwell - St Mary's Church
Burwell Windmill
Burwell Lode
Village News
Controlling Weeds
Burwell, one of only 7 out of 243 Cambridgehsire parishes who have chosen to opt out of the council weed treatment programme. Controlling weeds

UK's biggest solar farm approved for east of England (Click on image for larger version)
Proposed Solar Farm
Latest Proposals
Project and
Current Status

Millstone Park Housing Development
(350 new homes)
Linden Homes Web Site
Planning Docs
BBC News
Town's 1646 witchcraft trial ordeal re-enacted
The Witchfinder General used brutal methods to find "evidence" against the accused, says a curator.
East of England news quiz of the week
How many questions can you get right?
Street Pastors call for late-night volunteers
Volunteers who look after late-night revellers need "non-judgemental" people to help out.
Historic book of town's witch trials to be displayed
The books recounts the witch trials historians believe inspired the Salem trials in the United States of America.
Woman, 85, to sleep rough to raise awareness
The event aims to highlight the plight of rough sleepers both at home and abroad.
Councils must submit unitary plans by end of March
The government tells councils in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough they need to submit plans quickly.
Labour mayor will not seek re-election
Nik Johnson says his four years in office have taken a "heavy toll" physically and mentally.
Mayor signs off publicly-run bus services
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough's mayor Nik Johnson agrees to franchise buses, starting in late 2027.
Extra policing patrols after attacks on trains
Police are warning those responsible that they could face a "significant custodial sentence".
Housing targets set 'too fast', says councillors
Councils covering Greater Cambridge fear targets could mean unsustainable developments are approved.
Festival celebrates neighbourhood's hidden history
The event aims to tell the stories of people living in an area known as the Kite, organisers say.

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